Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First Post in December:)

Time flies. My sem break holiday is going to end very soon:(

Hmm. I almost done buying clothes for CNY ad.
But still bringing sister to KL tomorrow to shop. Since I have nothing to do.__.
Plan to look for the heels I want and purchase over there.

And I am currently in Christmas mood ad. *Ahhaahah
Can't help it. Christmas decoration and songs are everywhere:D

Oh yah. Nearly forget that I went to Singapore last week O.o
Some picha here:)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


What to blame?
I don't mean to be so emo.
But yeah.
This world is just unfair.
Blame myself la for not being prepared.
full stop BYE.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Is undergoing a hard time.
3 presentations in a week.
I don't know how to manage them:(
I'm just tired.
Will back to hometown after all kinds of suffering.

I dream. Once in a while. To be in this kinda beautiful places.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bored To Death.

Assignments+ Presentations +Quizzes & Exams = Semester 2

Nothing much to blog about.
Still rushing my term paper D:
Gonna sit for Microeconomics quiz2 tomorrow.
The very great thing is I haven't start revising a single word.

Friday, October 21, 2011


This is Tiffany from Girls' Generation.
I like her the best!

Tiffany with Yuri=p
Isn't she hot?

Jessica with Tiffany:)
Yuri & Tiffany.
In dress phewittt:D

She looks good with spec too:D

Here is their latest music video!


Thursday, October 6, 2011




Saturday, October 1, 2011


斐. 我似乎没能帮到什么. 那些事, 只有你们俩解决得了. 我说过, 你值得更好的. 有梦的孩子可以很坚强. 所以, 你会走得很远很远. 如若哪天步伐沉重了, 请停下脚步. 我们让你靠.

婷, 现实总能轻易地把人击倒. 将校园当作大社会. 你不过比我们都要早踏入而已. 我想你很懂事, 懂事得可以将流言蜚语都忽视. 无论如何, 校园生活好好加油. 要是哪天再也受不了了. 把我们一个个的都找出来, 诉诉苦也不赖. 对于他, 我只想说他不配.

薇, 我猜你过得很好. 总是在面子书上见你分享近来的生活照. 见你享受近来的一切, 真好. 请保持你那固执的坚持, 祝福你:)

琬, 世上几十亿人中你遇到了对的他. 上辈子铁定烧了不少香. 像斐说得那样, 你们一定会携手到老. 校园生活也好好过:)

琪, 我好想念你, 曾经的同桌. 对于你在校园的生活我真的一概不知. 但愿你过的逍遥. 还有想对你道谢. 谢谢关心. 我很好:)

Krystal, 最没烦恼的就是你了! 大喇喇的可还真令人羡慕. 想告诉你或许我明年会转到别的大学了. 不过你放一万个心, 在那之前会把你安顿好的. 哈哈!

这样的情谊很深很深, 早想告诉你们, 我珍惜你们.
我坚信, 我们会站在不同土地, 为彼此祝福.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


When you really matter someone, that person will always make time for you.

No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.

So yea, I don't wanna give a damn anymore.

You never know how much effort I've put in just to give up on you.

Please do not come too near to me, PLEASE.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Remember me? I used to be your WHOLE WORLD.
I need time to fix it.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Ohh I am having my first sem break after lots of papers.
So yea, date me out whenever you guys wanna hang out kay?

Here are some college happenings.

The day after our finals:) Went to cheong k! 10 bucks per person including cheong k, food and drinks. So the cheap O___O


This was one of our Malaysian Studies assignments. We were to held an event related to anything of Malaysia. This was what we came out with. A musical containing various performances like fashion show, singing, beat-boxing and etc.:D

We were heading to different places for Leadership Camp. I went to Bukit Tinggi ehh:D

This fella was imitating me!

EPIC. hahahaha!

*I am loving this fun:D

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


You both will never know how much I love you.
请你们一定要过得很好很好. ♥


I don't wanna leave because I am loved too much in hometown.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dunno What To Fill In.

This will probably a mashup post again=x

Here comes Zhou with fringe. x)

I cut my hair all by myself. It has been looooong time since my last hair cut in saloon.

Fluffy hair. I curl my hair the previous night so it becomes like this in the next morning;(


I still willing to have BlackBerry!

You can't believe how attractive it is to me;((( Yea right. I love BlackBerry!

Originality is Dead.

Why it costs so much?!

Bla Bla Bla in KL.

Hmmm. Here are some old thingy to blog about;)


Went to KL with my popo by bus. Well, the bus was so comfortable.

Stayed with my cousin. She brought me shopping at Mid Valley and One Utama.

Oh yea I nearly forget I saw Ni An Dong! I didn't snap any picture of him because it was overcrowded. People were squeezing over each others ._____.

He is the one. Anthony.


I ate this in One Utama;)

It is a kind of Japanese snack.

Lovely stall. *Thanks cousin for helping me to snap these pictures

That day was my sister's birthday actually. I felt so sorry not being with her in Malacca;( Anyway I bought her a gift. Hope she likes it;)

Cousin made this for me. x) She owns loads of nail polish. About.. 50?

Oh I am going for foundation of HELP University College within one month. I wish I can know some new friends there=( I am a little bit worried about life in KL. *sigh

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Longest Day Ever.

I should have told you that I Love You, Mum.

对不起, 我爱你. 请您一定要长命百岁♥

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Aren't they lovely?;D

I am attracted to Blackberry phone.

but too bad the keypad is extremely tiny;(